Saturday, August 18, 2007

utne review on their website

Rad Dad "is not cool," according to founder and publisher Tomas. "[I]t's not about being hip, not about trying to be in style... Rad Dad is for radical parenting. The uncomfortable kind." And so the zine's seventh issue picks up where previous ones left off: by interrogating and reevaluating the role of fathers in radical politics. Articles range from "Green Parenting," in which writer Sky looks at the relationship between anarchism and parenting, to "On Being Jewish," in which Bruce contemplates the religious example he wants to set for his child. A contribution from Tomas himself -- "Who's Your Daddy: Fathers in Pop Culture" -- offers a forceful critique of how "cool parenting" has become an apolitical and upper-middle class trend that reinforces "dad" stereotypes. -- Eric Kelsey

1 comment:

sky said...

sweeeeeet! publicity! I love the limelight!

nice work papa, issue 7 looks awesome. Just got a chance to sit down and read it this morning. Already gave a couple away.

Hey, can I order a dozen copies? Can you take credit card or should I mail a check in a few days? Throw me the total and your address (lost it again, I'm sure)

wish we could have seen each other, but duty called.

hope to make it down your way again within the next six months or so

cheers to you and yours

Lyli and Scarleht send their love as well