Sunday, December 11, 2016

Order books directly from Tomas Moniz

Hi -- it's Tomas, founder and editor of RAD DAD & RAD FAMILIES!

  1. You can now order both books directly from me for the rad families in your life. Use the Paypal buttons to the right.

  1. I do have some back issues and magazines of Rad Dad but send me an email to see what's available.

  1. I also have various zines and my novella Bellies and Buffalos available; again, write and ask me about it.

  1. Finally, I no longer update this site with new essays. The archives contain lots of amazing samples of my writing and writing by other rad parents including the very first intro to Rad Dad #1 from 2005! 

Contact at
or write me at
PO Box 3555
Berkeley, CA 94703

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