As many know Rad Dad is now a magazine, and we are
in the midst of our first year releasing three issues. There are ways to get involved:
1. Write for us. Sharing stories is the reason we do this. 2 Ask for it, especially
at local grocery stories, baby stores and bookstores. 3. Finally, subscribe or purchase
other Rad Dad items.
All the money goes to printing and producing. You
are the only way we stay in print.
Options: Order in time for Father's Day!!!
- Subscriptions for 3, 2, or single issues for the 2014 year.
- Classic back issues 5 dollars an issue (available 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24).
- The Compilation Book of the First Ten Issues.
- Rad Dad tote bag!
See paypal buttons to the right
Or send checks to
PO Box 3555
Berkeley, CA 94703